Lecture 1 - Basic concepts of buckling and introduction to equilibrium approach
Lecture 2 - Introduction to energy and imperfection approach
Lecture 3 - Introduction to different types of buckling
Lecture 4 - Weighted residual methods in structual mechanics
Lecture 5 - Weighted residual methods in structual mechanics (Continued...)
Lecture 6 - Introduction to the strong and weak forms of GDE
Lecture 7 - Variational method: Derivation of Euler Lagrange equation
Lecture 8 - Delta opeator in variational method for finding GDE and Boundary conditions
Lecture 9 - Euler lagrange equation for functional having different dependent variables
Lecture 10 - Brachistochrone problem
Lecture 11 - Rayleigh-Ritz method
Lecture 12 - Extension of Rayleigh-Ritz method and Galerkin’s method
Lecture 13 - Single DOF stability model
Lecture 14 - Single DOF stability model and model having imperfection
Lecture 15 - Large deflection theory for stability analysis of rigid body stability models
Lecture 16 - Two DOF rigid body stability models
Lecture 17 - Snap through stability model and model of imperfect geometry
Lecture 18 - Weak form solution for hinged-hinged and fixed-fixed column
Lecture 19 - Weak form solution for fixed-free and fixed-hinged column
Lecture 20 - Strong form solution for hinged-hinged column
Lecture 21 - Strong form solution for fixed-fixed and fixed-free column
Lecture 22 - Critical load for column with elastic support
Lecture 23 - Boundary conditions for column with general case of elastically supported ends
Lecture 24 - Critical load for portal frame with column hinged at base
Lecture 25 - Critical load for portal frame with column fixed at base
Lecture 26 - Element stiffness matrix for beam-column
Lecture 27 - Stability analysis of frames by matrix stiffness method
Lecture 28 - Critical load of Euler column: Large deflection theory
Lecture 29 - Critical load of Euler column with initial imperfection
Lecture 30 - Load deflection curve for beam-column: GDE approach
Lecture 31 - Load deflection curve for beam-column: Energy approach
Lecture 32 - General expression of elastic curve for beam-column
Lecture 33 - Beam-column with several lateral and continuous loads
Lecture 34 - Bending of beam-column by end couples
Lecture 35 - Three moment equation for continuous beam-column
Lecture 36 - Moment equation for continuous beam-column with intermediate column
Lecture 37 - Beam-column on Elastic Foundation
Lecture 38 - St Venant Torsion and Non-uniform Torsion
Lecture 39 - Torsional Buckling
Lecture 40 - Torsional Buckling and Torsional Flexural Buckling
Lecture 41 - Torsional Flexural Buckling of Column Having Different Boundary Conditions
Lecture 42 - Rayleigh-Ritz method for Torsional Flexural Buckling of Column
Lecture 43 - Introduction to Plate Buckling and Small Deflection Theory
Lecture 44 - Governing Differential Equation of Plate Buckling Using Small Deflection Theory
Lecture 45 - Governing Differential Equation of Plate Buckling Using Small Deflection Theory (Continued...)
Lecture 46 - Critical Load of Plate Using Equilibrium Approach
Lecture 47 - Critical Load of Plate Using Energy Approach
Lecture 48 - Critical Load of Plates with Different End Conditions: Energy Approach and Galerkin's
Lecture 49 - F-w Formulation For Plate Buckling
Lecture 50 - Critical load and Post Buckling Behaviour of Plate Using F-w Formulation
Lecture 51 - Governing Differential Equation of Shell Buckling by Using Small Deflection Theory
Lecture 52 - Governing Differential Equation of Shell Buckling by Using Small Deflection Theory (Continued...)
Lecture 53 - Governing Differential Equation of Shell Buckling: Donnell's Equation
Lecture 54 - Solution of Donnell's Equation for Finding Critical Load
Lecture 55 - Governing Differential Equation of Shell Buckling by Using Finite Deflection Theory
Lecture 56 - Post Buckling Behaviour of an Imperfect Axially Compressed Cylindrical Shell Panel
Lecture 57 - Governing Differential Equation for the deflection curve of a thin bar
Lecture 58 - Critical load of a two-hinged and fixed-fixed circular arch
Lecture 59 - Inelastic Buckling Analysis of Column
Lecture 60 - Inelastic Buckling Analysis of Column (Continued...)
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Elastic Stability of Structures
Lecture 38 - St Venant Torsion and Non-uniform Torsion
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