Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Hydrologic Cycle and its Different Components
Lecture 3 - Hydrological System Concept
Lecture 4 - Surface Water Resources of India
Lecture 5 - Hydrology and Climate Change
Lecture 6 - Different Forms of Precipitation and Indian Monsoon
Lecture 7 - Measurement and Analysis of Precipitation
Lecture 8 - Precipitation Data Quality and Presentation
Lecture 9 - Areal Precipitation and Frequency Analysis
Lecture 10 - Analysis of Precipitation: IDF and PMP
Lecture 11 - Introduction to Evaporation and Evaporimeters
Lecture 12 - Estimation of Evaporation and Control Measures
Lecture 13 - Evapotranspiration
Lecture 14 - Initial Loss and Infiltration Process
Lecture 15 - Modelling of Infiltration Capacity
Lecture 16 - Infiltration Indices
Lecture 17 - Measurement of Flow Velocity
Lecture 18 - Area-Velocity and Moving-Boat Methods
Lecture 19 - Dilution Technique, Electromagnetic and Ultrasonic Methods
Lecture 20 - Indirect Streamflow Measurement
Lecture 21 - Stage-Discharge Relationship and Rating Curve
Lecture 22 - Introduction and Catchment Characteristics
Lecture 23 - Estimation of Runoff Volume: Empirical Models
Lecture 24 - Estimation of Runoff Volume: Conceptual Models
Lecture 25 - Flow Characteristic Curves and Estimation of Reservoir Storage
Lecture 26 - Concept of Droughts and Environmental Flows
Lecture 27 - Basics of Hydrographs
Lecture 28 - Base Flow Separation, DRH and ERH
Lecture 29 - Introduction to Unit Hydrographs
Lecture 30 - Unit Hydrograph to Direct Runoff Hydrograph
Lecture 31 - Derivation of Unit Hydrograph
Lecture 32 - Unit Hydrograph of Different Durations: Method of Superposition
Lecture 33 - Unit Hydrograph of Different Durations: Method of S-Curve
Lecture 34 - More on Unit Hydrographs
Lecture 35 - Synthetic Unit Hydrograph
Lecture 36 - Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
Lecture 37 - Introduction to Floods and Rational Method
Lecture 38 - Flood Peak Discharge and Catchment Characteristics
Lecture 39 - Estimation of Peak Flood Flow
Lecture 40 - Flood Control and its Status in India
Lecture 41 - Introduction to Flood Routing
Lecture 42 - Reservoir Routing: Modified Pul’s Method
Lecture 43 - Reservoir Routing: Goodrich Method and Runge-Kutta Method
Lecture 44 - Channel Routing: Parameters of Muskingum Method
Lecture 45 - Channel Routing: Muskingum Method and Hydraulic Flood Routing
Lecture 46 - Concept of Routing in IUH Development and Clark’s Method
Lecture 47 - Nash’s Conceptual Model
Lecture 48 - Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics
Lecture 49 - Types of Data Series and Concept of Return Period
Lecture 50 - Introduction to Frequency Analysis
Lecture 51 - Parametric Methods of Frequency Analysis
Lecture 52 - Frequency Analysis with Extreme Value Type-I Distribution
Lecture 53 - Confidence Interval and Standard Error in the Frequency Estimates
Lecture 54 - Various Issues behind Frequency Analysis
Lecture 55 - Basics of Hydrologic Design
Lecture 56 - Risk Analysis to Determine Return Period
Lecture 57 - Hydro-economic Analysis to Determine Return Period
Lecture 58 - Uncertainty in Hydrologic Analysis
Lecture 59 - Estimated Limiting Storm and Design Flood
Lecture 60 - Design Storm
Lecture 61 - Hydrologic Design of Reservoirs: Introduction and Determination of Storage Capacity
Lecture 62 - Determination of Storage Capacity and Models in Reservoir Design
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Surface Water Hydrology
Lecture 10 - Analysis of Precipitation: IDF and PMP
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