Lecture 1 - Constitution and Configuration
Lecture 2 - Chirality, Symmetry Elements
Lecture 3 - Project Ion Formulae Rules for Drawing
Lecture 4 - Project Ion Formulae Rules for Drawing
Lecture 5 - Newmann Projection, Saw Horse Projection, Wedge Formula
Lecture 6 - Chirotopicity and Stereogenicity
Lecture 7 - Absolute Configuration
Lecture 8 - Absolute Configuration (Continued...)
Lecture 9 - Problems on the above topics
Lecture 10 - Topicity
Lecture 11 - Axial Chirality in Allenes, Biphenyls
Lecture 12 - Relative Configuration, Prochiral Faces and Prochiral Centres
Lecture 13 - Chirality in Heteroatom Systems
Lecture 14 - Conformations and Conformers
Lecture 15 - Conformational Analysis of Acyclic Molecules
Lecture 16 - Conformational Analysis of Acyclic Molecules (Continued...)
Lecture 17 - Conformations of Acyclic Molecues Containing Heteroatoms
Lecture 18 - Conformations of Cyclic Systems
Lecture 19 - Conformations of Cyclic Systems (Continued...)
Lecture 20 - Conformation of Cyclobutane and Cyclopentane
Lecture 21 - Conformation of Cyclohexane
Lecture 22 - Energy Changes During Flipping
Lecture 23 - Energy Comparison between Chair and Boat Conformations
Lecture 24 - Conformational Analysis of Substituted Cyclohexanes
Lecture 25 - Conformational Analysis of Substituted Cyclohexanes (Continued...)
Lecture 26 - Conformational Analysis of Substituted Cyclohexanes (Continued...)
Lecture 27 - Conformational Analysis of Substituted Cyclohexanes (Continued...)
Lecture 28 - Conformational Analysis of Systems with Preference for Axial Groups
Lecture 29 - Conformation and Reactivity
Lecture 30 - Conformation and Reactivity (Continued...)
Lecture 31 - Conformation and Reactivity (Continued...)
Lecture 32 - Stereoelectronic Effects
Lecture 33 - Stereoelectronic Effects (Continued...)
Lecture 34 - Substitution and Elimination in Cyclohexane Systems
Lecture 35 - Stereospecific and Stereoselective Reactions and Asymmetric Synthesis (Elementary Idea)
Lecture 36 - Asymmetric Induction: Nucleophilic Addition to Chiral Carbonyl Compounds
Lecture 37 - Asymmetric Induction: Nucleophilic Addition to Chiral Carbonyl Compounds (Continued...)
Lecture 38 - Asymmetric Induction (Continued...)
Lecture 39 - Facial Selectivity and Examples of Asymmetric Synthesis
Lecture 40 - Revisiting the Contents Covered
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Stereochemistry
Lecture 16 - Conformational Analysis of Acyclic Molecules (Continued...)
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