Lecture 1 - Various Analytical Techniques and their applications
Lecture 2 - Introduction to 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Lecture 3 - NMR signals and magnetic shielding
Lecture 4 - Introduction to the concept of Chemical Shifts in NMR spectra
Lecture 5 - Chemical Shifts for different type of protons
Lecture 6 - N+1 Rule and Pascal's Triangle
Lecture 7 - Coupling constants for different types of molecules
Lecture 8 - Second Order Coupling
Lecture 9 - Introduction to 13C NMR Spectroscopy
Lecture 10 - Introduction to 31P NMR Spectroscopy
Lecture 11 - Chemical Shift Range in 31P NMR Spectroscopy
Lecture 12 - Examples explaining Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy - 1
Lecture 13 - Examples explaining Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy - 2
Lecture 14 - Examples explaining Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy - 3
Lecture 15 - Examples explaining Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy - 4
Lecture 16 - Examples explaining Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy - 5
Lecture 17 - Monitoring reaction through 31P NMR Spectroscopy
Lecture 18 - 19F, 14N and 15N NMR Spectroscopy
Lecture 19 - 6Li and 7Li NMR Spectroscopy
Lecture 20 - 11B, 10B and 199Hg NMR Spectroscopy
Lecture 21 - Introduction to UV Spectroscopy
Lecture 22 - Types of Electronic Transitions and Woodward-Fieser Rules
Lecture 23 - Spin Orbit Coupling and Term Symbols
Lecture 24 - Ground State Term Symbol
Lecture 25 - Calculating microstates for different electronic configuration
Lecture 26 - Selection Rule of Electronic Transition
Lecture 27 - Orgel Level Diagrams
Lecture 28 - Racah Parameters and Tanabe-Sugano Diagrams
Lecture 29 - Introduction to IR Spectroscopy - 1
Lecture 30 - Introduction to IR Spectroscopy - 2
Lecture 31 - Interpretation of IR Spectra
Lecture 32 - IR stretching frequencies for various functional groups
Lecture 33 - Hook's Law - Numericals
Lecture 34 - IR Spectra of carbonyl compounds - 1
Lecture 35 - IR Spectra of carbonyl compounds - 2
Lecture 36 - Numerical Problems related to IR Spectroscopy - 1
Lecture 37 - Numerical Problems related to IR Spectroscopy - 2
Lecture 38 - Introduction to Mass Spectrometry
Lecture 39 - Isotope Peaks in Mass Spectrometry
Lecture 40 - Hydrogen deficiency Index
Lecture 41 - EI Mass Spectra of various molecules - 1
Lecture 42 - EI Mass Spectra of various molecules - 2
Lecture 43 - EI Mass Spectra of various molecules - 3
Lecture 44 - Types of Mass Spectrometry
Lecture 45 - Introduction to EPR Spectroscopy - 1
Lecture 46 - Introduction to EPR Spectroscopy - 2
Lecture 47 - Hyperfine Interactions
Lecture 48 - Examples of Hyperfine Interactions
Lecture 49 - Introduction to Mössbauer Spectroscopy (Mös)
Lecture 50 - More discussion, problems and solutions (Mös)
Lecture 51 - Problems and Solutions - 1
Lecture 52 - Problems and Solutions - 2
Lecture 53 - Problems and Solutions - 3
Lecture 54 - Problems and Solutions - 4
Lecture 55 - Problems and Solutions - 5
Lecture 56 - Rule of Thirteen and Nitrogen Rule
Lecture 57 - Problems and Solutions - 6
Lecture 58 - Problems and Solutions - 7
Lecture 59 - Problems and Solutions - 8
Lecture 60 - Summary and conclusion
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Interpretative Molecular Spectroscopy
Lecture 51 - Problems and Solutions - 1
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