Lecture 1 - Fundamentals of Chemical thermodynamics
Lecture 2 - Work
Lecture 3 - Tutorial-1
Lecture 4 - First Law of Thermodynamics
Lecture 5 - Tutorial-2
Lecture 6 - Adiabatic processes
Lecture 7 - Entropy
Lecture 8 - Entropy and Second Law: Basics
Lecture 9 - Entropy and Second Law: Applications
Lecture 10 - Third Law of Thermodynamics
Lecture 11 - Discussion on Helmholtz energy
Lecture 12 - Discussion on Gibbs Energy
Lecture 13 - Maxwell relations, Properties of Gibbs energy
Lecture 14 - Further discussion on properties of Gibbs energy
Lecture 15 - Fugacity
Lecture 16 - Tutorial session
Lecture 17 - Tutorial session
Lecture 18 - Chemical potential of a substance in mixture
Lecture 19 - Chemical potential of Liquids, Raoult’s Law, Henry’s Law
Lecture 20 - Thermodynamics of mixing, Excess functions
Lecture 21 - Partial molar volume
Lecture 22 - Activities (Accounting for deviations from Ideal behaviour)
Lecture 23 - Tutorial on thermodynamics of mixing and deviations from ideality
Lecture 24 - Further discussion on relation between C p and C v
Lecture 25 - Chemical Equilibrium
Lecture 26 - Perfect gas equilibria
Lecture 27 - Equilibrium constant
Lecture 28 - Effect of pressure on equilibrium constant and equilibrium composition
Lecture 29 - Effect of temperature on equilibria
Lecture 30 - Biological standard states and pH
Lecture 31 - Tutorial 1 - Equilibrium constant
Lecture 32 - Tutorial 2 - Equilibrium constant
Lecture 33 - Acids and bases and Equilibrium concepts
Lecture 34 - pH Scale Strong and weak acids and bases
Lecture 35 - Strong and weak acids and bases
Lecture 36 - Acid-base titrations
Lecture 37 - pH curve for titration of weak acid with strong base Buffers and indicators
Lecture 38 - Thermodynamics in systems of biological interest
Lecture 39 - Calorimetry
Lecture 40 - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Lecture 41 - Further discussion on Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Lecture 42 - Explaining Differential Scanning Calorimetric Profiles (DSC Profiles)
Lecture 43 - Applications of DSC in thermal unfolding of proteins and protein-solvent interactions
Lecture 44 - Further discussion on applications of DSC in thermal unfolding of proteins and protein-solvent interactions
Lecture 45 - Isothermal Titration calorimetry (ITC)
Lecture 46 - Further discussion on Isothermal Titration calorimetry (ITC)
Lecture 47 - ITC Experimental Design and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) in Drug Design
Lecture 48 - Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) in Drug Design
Lecture 49 - Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) in Engineering Binding Affinity
Lecture 50 - Calorimetry in identifying partially folded states of proteins (Molten Globule State)
Lecture 51 - Thermodynamic Characterization of Partially Folded States of Proteins
Lecture 52 - Quantitative Thermodynamic Characterization of Partially Folded States of Proteins
Lecture 53 - ITC in Drug-Protein Interactions
Lecture 54 - Identifying sites for Drug-Protein Interactions by ITC
Lecture 55 - Identifying sites for Drug-Protein Interactions, DSC of Protein-Ligand Complexes. Enthalpy-Entropy Compensation
Lecture 56 - Estimation of Binding Constants in Strong to Ultratight Protein-Ligand, Interactions Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Lecture 57 - Continuation of discussion on... Estimation of Binding Constants in Strong to UltratightProtein-Ligand Interactions Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Lecture 58 - Thermal unfolding of protein by non-calorimetric methods, Addressing thermodynamics of the process
Lecture 59 - Titration Calorimetry as a tool to determine thermodynamic and Kinetic parameters of enzymes
Lecture 60 - Summary of the course
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Chemical and Biological Thermodynamics - Principles to Applications
Lecture 49 - Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) in Engineering Binding Affinity
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