Lecture 1 - Introduction to Biological Process Design for Wastewater Treatment
Lecture 2 - Microorganisms in Biological Wastewater Treatment
Lecture 3 - Fundamentals of Biochemical Operations
Lecture 4 - Wastewater Characterization - I
Lecture 5 - Wastewater Characterization - II
Lecture 6 - Wastewater Characterization - III
Lecture 7 - Wastewater Characterization - IV
Lecture 8 - Wastewater Characterization - V
Lecture 9 - Stoichiometry of Microbial Growth - I
Lecture 10 - Stoichiometry of Microbial Growth - II
Lecture 11 - Stoichiometry of Microbial Growth - III
Lecture 12 - Reaction Kinetics
Lecture 13 - Bacterial Growth Kinetics - I
Lecture 14 - Bacterial Growth Kinetics - II
Lecture 15 - Reactor Hydraulics - I
Lecture 16 - Reactor Hydraulics - II
Lecture 17 - Treatment of Water and Wastewater - I
Lecture 18 - Treatment of Water and Wastewater - II
Lecture 19 - Coagulation, Flocculation, and Sedimentation - I
Lecture 20 - Coagulation, Flocculation, and Sedimentation - II
Lecture 21 - Lagoon
Lecture 22 - Activated Sludge Process
Lecture 23 - Sequential Batch Reactor
Lecture 24 - Trickling Filter
Lecture 25 - Rotating Disc Reactor
Lecture 26 - Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor
Lecture 27 - UASB and Biotower
Lecture 28 - Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment: Fluidized Bed Bioreactors
Lecture 29 - Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment: Membrane Bioreactors
Lecture 30 - Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment: Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)
Lecture 31 - Sludge Management - I
Lecture 32 - Sludge Management - II
Lecture 33 - Sludge Management - III
Lecture 34 - Sludge Management - IV
Lecture 35 - Sludge Management - V
Lecture 36 - Sludge Management - VI
Lecture 37 - Sustainable Development and Environmental Impact Assessment
Lecture 38 - Management of Wastewater from Dairy Industry
Lecture 39 - Management of Wastewater from Slaughterhouse
Lecture 40 - Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP)
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Biological Process Design for Wastewater Treatment
Lecture 33 - Sludge Management - III
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