Lecture 1 - Multiphase flow introduction
Lecture 2 - Fundamental definitions and terminology used in Multiphase - I
Lecture 3 - Fundamental definitions and terminology used in Multiphase - II
Lecture 4 - Flow Regime Map for Gas-Liquid System
Lecture 5 - Flow Regime Map for Fluid-Solid System
Lecture 6 - Pneumatic Conveying
Lecture 7 - Momentum Equation through Reynolds Transport Theorem
Lecture 8 - Lockhart Martinelli Correlation
Lecture 9 - Pressure Drop Calculation for Homogeneous Flow
Lecture 10 - Pressure Drop Calculation for Separated and Annular Flow Regime
Lecture 11 - Lagrangian Tracking of Single Particle Under Different Forces
Lecture 12 - Multiphase Interactions: Drag Force
Lecture 13 - Multiphase Interactions: Multi-particle Drag, Virtual Mass Force, Basset Force and Lift Force
Lecture 14 - Introduction to Multiphase Flow Modeling
Lecture 15 - Algebraic Slip Method and Euler-Euler Method
Lecture 16 - KTGF and Euler-Lagrangian Model
Lecture 17 - Measurement Techniques: Velocity Measurement
Lecture 18 - Measurement Techniques: Phase Fraction Measurement
Lecture 19 - Bubble Column
Lecture 20 - Packed Bed Reactor
Lecture 21 - Fluidized Bed Reactor
Lecture 22 - Summary
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Multiphase Flows
Lecture 3 - Fundamental definitions and terminology used in Multiphase - II
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