Lecture 1 - Introduction: Why to Study Structural Biology
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Biological Macromolecules
Lecture 3 - Introduction: Decoding Biological Macromolecules
Lecture 4 - Introduction: Genome Sequencing
Lecture 5 - Introduction: Post Genomic Era
Lecture 6 - Amino acids and their properties
Lecture 7 - Protein: Protein Chemistry, Chirality, Peptide bond and Levels of protein structures
Lecture 8 - Protein: Dihedral angles, Peptide bond and Ramachandran Plot
Lecture 9 - Protein: Super Secondary Structures, Motif, Domains, Non-covalent interactions
Lecture 10 - Protein: Folding of Protein, Thermodynamics and Kinetics of protein folding, Characterization of Proteins
Lecture 11 - Introduction to Structural Biology Techniques - Part I
Lecture 12 - Introduction to Structural Biology Techniques - Part II
Lecture 13 - X-ray Crystallography: Crystallization - Part I
Lecture 14 - X-ray Crystallography: Crystallization - Part II
Lecture 15 - X-ray Crystallography: Crystal Mounting
Lecture 16 - X-ray Crystallography: Production of X-ray and its properties
Lecture 17 - X-ray Crystallography: Journey to 3D land
Lecture 18 - X-ray Crystallography: Crystal Symmetry
Lecture 19 - X-ray Crystallography: Instrumentation in X-ray Crystallography
Lecture 20 - X-ray Crystallography: Data collection and processing
Lecture 21 - X-ray Crystallography: Data Analysis - Part I
Lecture 22 - X-ray Crystallography: Data Analysis - Part II
Lecture 23 - X-ray Crystallography: Phase Problem - Part I
Lecture 24 - X-ray Crystallography: Phase Problem - Part II
Lecture 25 - X-ray Crystallography: Refinement and Structure deposition to PDB
Lecture 26 - Introduction to Spectroscopy and NMR
Lecture 27 - Basic Principles of NMR and Instrumentation
Lecture 28 - NMR Sample Preparation and Chemical Shift related concepts
Lecture 29 - Factors effecting NMR Spectra (1D and 2D)
Lecture 30 - 2D and 3D NMR Spectroscopy focusing on protein structure
Lecture 31 - Introduction to Spectroscopy
Lecture 32 - UV-Vis and CD spectroscopy
Lecture 33 - Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Green Fluorescence Protein (GFP)
Lecture 34 - Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy for protein
Lecture 35 - Raman Spectroscopy, Raman Microscopy and Raman Crystallography for studying protein
Lecture 36 - Introduction to Microscopy
Lecture 37 - Functioning details of Cryo Electron Microscopy (Cryo EM)
Lecture 38 - Cryo Electron Microscopy: Data Collection and Analysis
Lecture 39 - A concise story of advancement Cryo-EM
Lecture 40 - Protein Data Bank
Lecture 41 - History of Molecular Visualizations of Biological Macromolecules
Lecture 42 - Description of structure related files (.pdb, .mmcif, .mtz, etc.)
Lecture 43 - Demonstration of COOT
Lecture 44 - 3D visualization using Pymol
Lecture 45 - Demonstration of Pymol
Lecture 46 - Why we need MD Simulation
Lecture 47 - Molecular Dynamic Simulation Process - Part I
Lecture 48 - Molecular Dynamic Simulation Process - Part II
Lecture 49 - Molecular Dynamic Simulation Process - Part III
Lecture 50 - Application of Molecular Dynamic Simulation
Lecture 51 - What, How and Which of Protein Engineering
Lecture 52 - How to make logical Protein Engineering: Process of Rational design
Lecture 53 - Success story of Rational Protein designing: Focusing on De Novo Process
Lecture 54 - Designing Protein by mimicking nature: Process of Directed Evolution
Lecture 55 - Achievement, Challenges, and Future direction in the field of Protein Engineering
Lecture 56 - Introduction to Structure Based Drug Discovery (SBDD)
Lecture 57 - Rational Drug Discovery
Lecture 58 - Docking Based Virtual Screening: Progress, Challenges and Future perspective
Lecture 59 - What makes a small molecule an ideal drug: Developing in silico ADMETox Model
Lecture 60 - Structure Based Drug Discovery: Case study and Conclusion
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Structural Biology
Lecture 48 - Molecular Dynamic Simulation Process - Part II
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