Lecture 1 - History of Neuroscience : Introduction - Part 1
Lecture 2 - History of Neuroscience : Introduction - Part 2
Lecture 3 - Factors that produce discoveries
Lecture 4 - Importance of the 1950s in Neuroscience
Lecture 5 - Advances in Molecular Biology (Genes to DNA)
Lecture 6 - Discovery of the structure of the DNA
Lecture 7 - How DNA works
Lecture 8 - Molecular biology of the human brain
Lecture 9 - Signaling molecule: The First growth Factor
Lecture 10 - Nerve Growth Factor
Lecture 11 - Organizing the Connections
Lecture 12 - Axonal Transport
Lecture 13 - Signaling molecules: The First Neurotransmitter in the brain
Lecture 14 - The concept of Lock and Key
Lecture 15 - The Soup vs Sparks Debate
Lecture 16 - Intracellular Electrode, Neurotransmitter in the Brain, Dales Law
Lecture 17 - Early evidence of Acetylcholine and Glutamate
Lecture 18 - Early evidence of GABA and Serotonin
Lecture 19 - Catecholamine and Hormones
Lecture 20 - Second messengers and Hormones
Lecture 21 - Pheromones
Lecture 22 - Revolution in Cytology
Lecture 23 - Synapse and the 'Neuronism vs Reticularism' debate
Lecture 24 - Contributions by Rene Couteaux and George Koelle
Lecture 25 - Chemical Synapse
Lecture 26 - Synapse and the Neuromuscular Junction
Lecture 27 - The Electrical Synapse and Myelin
Lecture 28 - Physiology: The Action Potential - Part 1
Lecture 29 - Recording nerve impulses and single action potentials
Lecture 30 - Recording from nerve and plant cells
Lecture 31 - Recording Local circuits, Hodgkin and Huxely contributions - Part 1
Lecture 32 - Hodgkin and Huxely model - Part 2 and Kenneth Cole Contributions
Lecture 33 - GHK equation and HH action potentials
Lecture 34 - First Electrophysiological Evidence for Synaptic Transmission
Lecture 35 - Bernard Katz
Lecture 36 - End-Plate Potential and Synaptic Quanta
Lecture 37 - Eccles and Spinal motor neuron
Lecture 38 - Invertebrate simple systems: Aplysia
Lecture 39 - Other studies of sensory responses
Lecture 40 - Legacy of Golgi and Ramo`n y Cajal
Lecture 41 - Dynamic polarization of Neuron
Lecture 42 - Modern Research
Lecture 43 - Synaptic Integration and Action Potential Initiation
Lecture 44 - Active properties of dendrites
Lecture 45 - Dendritic dominance
Lecture 46 - Dendritic spines
Lecture 47 - Rethinking the concept of Neuron Doctrine
Lecture 48 - Muscle spindles
Lecture 49 - Spinal cord pathways
Lecture 50 - Retinal Processing
Lecture 51 - Keffler Hartline
Lecture 52 - Stephen Kuffler and Horace Barlow
Lecture 53 - Expansion of the Reflex concept
Lecture 54 - Central Pttern genrators
Lecture 55 - The cortical column
Lecture 56 - Vernon Mountcastle
Lecture 57 - Central Visual Processing
Lecture 58 - Central Visual Processing and Feature Detectors
Lecture 59 - Intracellular recordings from the brain - Part 1
Lecture 60 - Intracellular recordings from the brain - Part 2
Lecture 61 - Two motor systems
Lecture 62 - Auditory cortex and The pattern theory of olfaction
Lecture 63 - Arousal and Reticular activating system
Lecture 64 - Sleep and Rapid Eye Movements
Lecture 65 - Operant Conditioning by brain stimulation
Lecture 66 - Hypothalamus and Feeding Behavior
Lecture 67 - Brain as a gland
Lecture 68 - Hypothalamic-Neurohypophyseal System
Lecture 69 - Hypothalamic-Adenohypophyseal System
Lecture 70 - Founding Modern Neuroanatomy
Lecture 71 - Psychology and Ethology
Lecture 72 - Karl Lashley
Lecture 73 - Donald Hebb
Lecture 74 - Limbic system- Limbic Lobe and Papez Circuit
Lecture 75 - Limbic system-Kluver-Bucy Syndrome
Lecture 76 - The Limbic system and Amygdala
Lecture 77 - The Hippocampus and Patient H.M
Lecture 78 - Brenda Milner
Lecture 79 - Neurology: Foundations of Brain Imaging
Lecture 80 - The Neurological unit of the Boston City Hospital
Lecture 81 - Derek Denny-Brown, Raymond Adams and C. Miller Fisher
Lecture 82 - Montreal Neurological Institute
Lecture 83 - Cerebral Circulation
Lecture 84 - Spreading depression of Leo and Migraine
Lecture 85 - The Eradication of Polio
Lecture 86 - Origin of Neurosurgery
Lecture 87 - Harvey Cushing
Lecture 88 - Pituitary Surgery
Lecture 89 - Stereotaxy
Lecture 90 - Epilepsy
Lecture 91 - Psychosurgery
Lecture 92 - Antipsychotic Drugs
Lecture 93 - Reserpine
Lecture 94 - Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
Lecture 95 - Lithium
Lecture 96 - Benzodiazepines
Lecture 97 - Stress
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Classics in Neuroscience
Lecture 13 - Signaling molecules: The First Neurotransmitter in the brain
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