Lecture 1 - Weighment and Calculation of CG (Theory)
Lecture 2 - Cruise Experiment (Theory)
Lecture 3 - Weighment Experiment and cockpit panel description
Lecture 4 - Drag Polar Experiment
Lecture 5 - CG and Climb Experiment
Lecture 6 - Calibration of Control Surface
Lecture 7 - Calibration of Control Surfaces (Experiment)
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Flight Data Recorder
Lecture 9 - Sensors - Part I
Lecture 10 - Sensors - Part II
Lecture 11 - Data Acquisition using MEMS devices
Lecture 12 - Estimation of Stick-Fixed Neutral Point
Lecture 13 - Estimation of Stick-Free Neutral Point and Stick-Free Maneuvering Point
Lecture 14 - Static: Lateral-Directional Stability Test
Lecture 15 - Static: Lateral-Directional Stability Test (Continued...)
Lecture 16 - Steady Coordinated Turn
Lecture 17 - Introduction to Parameter Estimation
Lecture 18 - Parameter Estimation using Least Squares Method
Lecture 19 - Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation using Least Squares Method
Lecture 20 - Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation using Delta Method
Lecture 21 - Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation using Delta Method (Continued...)
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Introduction to Experiments in Flight
Lecture 16 - Steady Coordinated Turn
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